
Data on sustainability and circularity

In order to determine the quality and corresponding certification of a construction object, you must be able to rely on facts. Fixed values that can be viewed and assessed objectively and that are applicable across the entire construction sector.

This requires a practical, transparent, and smart solution for data collection and storage. Madaster is a system that could be used for this purpose by the entire industry. In particular, when it comes to the data related to sustainable and circular construction.


How Madaster can be of benefit to you

Madaster focuses on the big picture. Every real estate and infrastructure object can be registered with us — from bridges to apartment buildings and anything in-between. In this way, we are working together towards the creation of a database that can be used by anyone in the industry. Madaster makes it easier for contractors to build in a circular way, for demolition companies to make reusable materials available to contractors, and for architects to create more sustainable designs for contractors to turn into tangible objects. This is how we ‘close the loop’ in the construction sector.

Harvest the benefits

Create your account on the Madaster platform

The Madaster Platform

In Madaster, material passports can be created, effortlessly, based on a BIM (IFC) or Excel document. By automatically enhancing them with information on circularity, environmental impact and residual value, your Madaster environment will become a valuable data source.

The overview of registered objects, enriched with insight from algorithms, is available through our area register. It visualises availability of materials on a user defined area level. It provides insight for policymakers and anyone looking for data on the built environment.

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Benefitted from in the world around us

13-01-2025 Blogs

7 Key challenges for the UK construction sector that material passports help solve

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15-10-2024 News

Madaster UK welcomes Tom Crosthwite to the team!  

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29-02-2024 Publications

Position Paper

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