Engineering firm Re Use Materials and Madaster, the online library for building materials, are collaborating on an effective and efficient use of resources. Innovative inventory and registration enable the circular organisation of demolition, construction, renovation and management of buildings.
Madaster functions as an online library that documents materials and buildings, similar to the registration of property ownership and land division at a land registry. All users of Madaster can generate a material passport for their buildings. A material passport contains a large amount of information about the quality and origins of materials and their current location. This makes them easier to recover and reuse, in cases of renovation and restoration. Buildings, thus, become documented ‘storage units’ of materials.
Engineering firm Re Use Materials conducts building inventories, with the data being coupled to blockchain technology. The partnership between Re Use Materials and Madaster means that the owners and managers of existing real estate can use the building inventory made by Re Use Materials to generate a material passport in Madaster. In addition, Madaster will provide them with insight into both the circular and financial value of all the materials used. The Madaster platform offers owners and managers a comprehensive overview of their real estate. Furthermore, there will be a coupling between Madaster and the website of Re Use Materials to promote the reuse and marketability of materials.