
Madaster UK announces Dress & Sommer, in collaboration with EPEA as first Pioneer

News 22 nov 2023
Madaster is a platform built by, and for, collaboration. Initially conceived and developed by a consortium of 33 front runners, collectively called Kennedys, in the Netherlands in 2017, this same model of gathering a group of leading organisations to spearhead the use and development of Madaster has been adopted in each new country.

Kaldewei was a founding ‘Kennedy’ for Madaster Germany and has supplied over 42,000 datasets. They say,

“For Kaldewei, sustainability is the driver and digitisation is the enabler. Madaster has the capacity and capability to deliver this ethos and we align on the positive fiscal impact on real estate values by using sustainable materials”.

Paul MacSherry – International Projects Manager, Kaldewei

In the UK, we call these front runners our Pioneers. Our Pioneers will form a strong network to share experiences, showcase innovation and be part of a community of frontrunners that exchange valuable insights and information in a trusted environment. Network membership is limited to 33 as we’ve learnt that this number is substantial enough to get representatives of the entire value chain, but still exclusive enough to make your membership count.

At our launch event on the 1st November, we were delighted to announce our first UK Pioneer as Drees & Sommer  in collaboration with EPEA. Drees and Sommer provide a wide range of consultancy services from project management to lifecycle cost, sustainability and Cradle to Cradle® advice. Drees & Sommer have collaborated with Madaster across Europe and are excited to continue the relationship in the UK. They see the value of Madaster as being the digital platform that enables every project to give their materials identity, and thus value, as assets in their own right. 

“The platform unlocks, among other insights, 40 years of EPEA’s work on material health and circularity and enables its application at a building scale almost effortlessly and at relatively very low cost. As a digital tool Madaster opens enormous doors for the industry to see materials as valuable assets and enables a strong business case for a circular economy.”

Simon Joe Portal – Head of Engineering and Sustainability, Drees & Sommer UK.

We plan to hold the first UK Pioneer Network event in the New Year where our early Pioneers can meet and start to identify collaboration opportunities, along with hearing updates on our development plans for the coming year. To start your journey with us as a Pioneer, please get in touch to find out more.

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