
Launch Madaster Belgium

News 29 jun 2021

Launch Madaster Belgium

On 16 June, Madaster Belgium was launched during an online event with around 100 participants. Director Johan Klaps introduced the following 13 Max’s (in other countries called ‘Kennedys’): Architectural firms Assar architects, Binst architects and Conix RDBM architects; developers 03 Development, Ghelamco, Cores Development, Immobel and Whitewood; construction company Cordeel; consultancy firms Drees & Sommer, BDO and TBDG; and the city of Antwerp.

Thomas Rau and Pablo van den Bosch (both co-founders of Madaster) were invited as guests and provided the new partners with tips and tricks. And Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon made no secret of his enthusiasm about the arrival of the material passport. Michael Moradiellos of Drees & Sommer talked about his experience with Madaster.

In the coming period, Madaster Belgium, together with the Max partners, will further develop the platform for the Belgian market. If you are curious about the developments in Belgium, you can visit the website and follow Madaster Belgium on LinkedIn.

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