

News 29 may 2018


Utrecht, The Netherlands, 29 May 2018

Today, engineering firm BOOT and Madaster Services entered into a partner agreement. In doing so, they are also contributing to the further development of Madaster, an independent, public platform that generates material passports with the aim of eliminating waste, worldwide. The platform can be used by private individuals, companies and government authorities, and is developed by Madaster Services, under the supervision of the Madaster Foundation.

Madaster functions as an online library that documents materials and buildings, similar to the registration of property ownership and land division at a land registry. All users of Madaster can generate a material passport for their buildings. A material passport contains information about the quality and origins of materials and their current location. This makes them easier to recover and reuse, in cases of renovation and restoration. Buildings, thus, become documented ‘storage units’ of materials.

‘Adoption of material passports is being stimulated by collaborations with relevant parties, such as BOOT. Madaster platform users, for example, can be advised by BOOT on the renovation, restructuring or circular demolition of a particular object (building or infrastructure), which enables the object’s owners to make informed choices about retaining the value of their real estate objects and the materials they contain. This collaboration links the functionalities of Madaster to the expertise of BOOT.’ Martijn Oostenrijk, Director of Madaster Services

‘At BOOT, we are enthusiastic about Madaster’s ambitions! For a year now, we have been a Kennedy of Madaster and, thus, we have been involved from the beginning. By entering into this partnership, we are taking the next step in our collaboration: we are joining forces in working on projects! BOOT quite literally conducts circular projects; for example, for the Central Government Real Estate Agency (Rijksvastgoedbedrijf) and municipalities as well as for companies. In addition to discussing circularity, we also ensure that materials retain their identity and can be reapplied and reused.’ Jaco Poppe, Commercial Manager BOOT

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